Wednesday, 1 September 2010

GCSX Customer Forums 2010

Government Connect are holding Autumn Forums hosted at 4 events across the country. I will be speaking at all events on the work we have been undertaking with Devon regarding the Trusted Client solution. This allows access to Council systems from non council controlled PCs that has been approved for use with Local Authority IL2 networks. There will also be presentations from SOCITM regarding the importance of retaining GCSX access ahead of PSN transition. The event will also cover all the inside information on Government Connect, Services and an insight to the N3-GCSX Gateway service. The events will comprise a briefing session as well as one to one workshops from the Government Connect team, Cable&Wireless Worldwide and Glasshouse.

Each event follows a similar agenda and, with the exception of Manchester, run from approximately 09.30 through to 15.30. The agenda for each event is available at where you can also register on-line.

7 September 2010 Manchester (Event Full)

9 September 2010 Leeds

14 September 2010 Bristol

16 September 2010 London

Contact for more information: